Paul Kiel's Data Integration Blog
Data integration using Xml / Xslt and anything else...

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  Sunday, November 05, 2006

After all the xml and xml schema tools I have tried over the years, I often come back to wanting to test each one to see what Xml Schema features it supports and which it doesn't. In order to test these, I need a test suite of features in the form of a sample xml schema and xml instance. I have tons of schemas accumulated from many different domains and sources. However, I wanted just a simple, single schema that packed in one of all the schema features that could fit in it. Searching the web did produce some test suites, such as the Test Collection and the Test Suite from the W3C. These are good, but they are in many files and are a bit much for my simple tool test use case. I just wanted a real simple, single example file.

So here is an early version of this simple Xml Schema test file. I have a more detailed version of this with even more schema features as well as an xml instance conforming to it.

A few other links:


You can find the simple XSD here.

You can find the simple XML Instance here.


5:37:21 PM    comment []

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Last update: 10/8/2007; 4:21:35 PM.

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