Paul Kiel's Data Integration Blog
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  Monday, August 06, 2007

A brief item in the "anything else" category. I am proud to be driving a 1989 honda civic with over 155k miles. It has been a reliable car and I still get folks asking me if I want to sell it. But I won't!
1) It has had very few problems
2) It still gets over 30 mpg in city driving
3) I haven't had a car payment since 1993

Now that I've sold you on the value of my little hobby, I'll share with you another bonus on this beauty. I recently had a starter problem and the car would not crank. Ordinarily this would put folks in a spot - especially if caught away from home. But because it is a manual transmission, I can start the car magically by "popping the clutch". This is the process of allowing the car to get some speed via a hill and gravity. Then putting the car suddenly into second gear will make the car run.

So here is a link to the procedure (they call it "push start" but the traditional term is pop the clutch):

After popping the clutch, I continued on my way. A brief stop a few days later at the repair shop resulted in a $40 repair. How many $40 repair jobs exist anymore? I'll keep my little honda!

10:38:06 AM    comment []

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Last update: 9/22/2007; 4:27:33 PM.

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